Living in a world “characterised by profound and rapid changes” (G.S. 4), the nuns are called to live their vocation faithful to Christ, the Order’s charism, the Church and humanity today.
As a result their formation is not limited to the initial stage. Continuous updating or permanent formation is necessary. The formation of these Religious nuns must not stop at their initial training and end with their solemn profession, but must continue for their whole lives. It must be global, that is, it must take in the human, intellectual, and spiritual aspects, and form the essential basis for the spiritual growth of the people and the communities. The Mother Prioress sees to it that the Nuns, individually and as a community, are able to continue their formation with study, reading, and updating courses on the various disciplines. She sees to it that at least some of the nuns that are able, acquire real competence in the disciplines that relate specifically to monastic life, for the benefit of the Community and the Church.